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Welcome to Purple Sally's Clubhouse! Purple Sally is an educational hub of creative and fun, free resources for your classroom, homeschool, or fun home activities!

Have a browse of the site to find the right printable for you or fun creative activity ideas to do.


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Purple Sally provides free resources, in order to do this and pay for the hosting services, etc we use advertisements and affiliate links to fund this.

Affiliate links mean that, at zero cost to you, Purple Sally will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase, helping us keep all the resources available for free.

Purple Sally is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a way for websites to earn advertising revenues by advertising and linking to Amazon, at zero cost to you.

Can I reuse the downloads?

You are free to use the printables in your classroom, homeschool, or at home.

You do not have permission to rehost Purple Sally content on your website or provide the pdfs on your Facebook group etc.

You do not have permission to take any characters, content, designs and put them into your own content.

These printables are to provide free resources to educators at home or in the classroom. Any other use is forbidden unless permission has been granted.

A one-stop shop for a collection of great free educational resources for all ages and subjects. Updated regularly with fantastic new content
Disclosure: Some of the links on our website are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate Purple Sally will earn an affiliate commission from qualifying purchases